Series: Tastes Great Feels Good
Year: 2022
Venue: Tableau Zurich
Technique: Scanned analogue chromogenic–print luminograms, printed on Dibond
Size: 128 × 90.5 cm each
Edition: 5+1
Peter Hauser's luminograms, light drawings executed in the darkroom on light-sensitive photographic paper, are reminiscent of abstract, blurred advertising posters that attract the gaze of passers-by with colour and form but contain no recognisable image or text. Instead of consumer-friendly simplicity, the compositions require a certain effort to look behind the surface and recognise the hidden messages that these posters seem to be trying to convey. But what if the images don't want to say anything at all, just pretend to be posters, refusing the laws of capitalism? In any case, the images open up a space that allows ambiguity and reflection on the mechanisms of consumer society. The billboards thus become windows to our own imagination.
Words by Sandra Nedvetskaia
Curated by Studio Marcus Kraft