Series: ANGST
Year: 2017–2019
Technique: Handmade silver prints on baryt paper
Edition of 5/5 + 1 AP
ANGST encompasses a collection of analog black and white photographs, taken over the past two years in Switzerland and abroad. The title refers to the existentialist philosophic term “angst”, a feeling of diffuse anxiety or apprehension of a meaningless world. The connecting element within the collection of photographs is the author‘s examination of his surroundings and the questions this search unearths about contemporary life. One can look at the body of work as the author‘s attempt to visualize a “Zeitgeist” in which economical growth, instant consumer gratification and globalisation are steadily and irrevocably annihilating common welfare and the environment. The photographs serve as subjective interpretations of a ruling consensus consisting of existential fear, social change and global correlations. The often abstract and cryptic compositions, can be read as a metaphorical translation of this “Zeitgeist”. The images relegate to a certain discomfort, slumbering underneath an aesthetic surface.